Pennsylvania Freemason Winter 2025 cover
cropped image of Pennsylvania Freemason cover
Pennsylvania Freemason

Freemasonry Today

  • Freemasonry Today

    Grand Master’s Message


    Your Grand Lodge officers and I have been busy traveling to lodges throughout the jurisdiction, participating in anniversary celebrations and parades, to promote the fraternity and to hear from members how Grand Lodge can assist with their success. The Grand Lodge float is in the process of being upgraded but is available for lodge use by contacting the Grand Secretary’s Office.

    I am proud to announce that for the first year since 1971, we have not had a lodge merger or a lodge go dark. This is a direct reflection on the dedicated work
    of two key committees. Blue Lodge Revitalization Committee Chairman Brother Joseph Reuter, P.M., provides lodges and districts with creative ideas for planning and promoting quality events and increasing participation. Membership Engagement Committee Chairman Brother Steven Shimp, P.M., assists lodges with membership recruitment and retention. Both brethren are excellent resources for helping your lodge thrive and enhance membership satisfaction.

    I was very pleased that all R.W. Past Grand Masters were able to attend the June 2024 Communication in Erie (pictured below). At the December 2024 Communication in Philadelphia, we were honored to have R.W. Past Grand Master Ben Franklin provide inspiring remarks, and Santa
    Claus made a surprise appearance! (see p. 7).

    We completed about half of our Liberty Tree plantings across the Commonwealth in preparation for America’s 250th Anniversary celebration in 2026 (visit to see our progress). We look forward to planting many more this year, including at the Masonic Village at Elizabethtown during the Grand Lodge Communication on June 4.

    This issue is full of examples of how our brethren care for each other in their time of need. Our hearts go out to all who suffered loss from hurricanes last year, both in our own jurisdiction and in others in the south (see stories on pp. 24-27).

    If you are looking for a way to make an impact, ask your lodge how you can help with the new Restoration Initiative (see p. 6) or inquire about how you can volunteer with our Masonic youth in your area. When you Ignite the Light Within, it shines upon others, as well!

    Sincerely and fraternally,

    Larry A. Derr
    R.W. Grand Master

  • Freemasonry Today

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    Announcing New Logos for the Masonic Charities

    We are excited to unveil new logos for each of the Masonic Charities to be implemented throughout 2025. This follows the rebranding of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania/Pennsylvania Masons in 2024. The rebranding aims to create cohesive, modern logos that reflect each charity’s unique mission while strengthening their collective identity.

  • Freemasonry Today

    Square and Compass on blue background with nondescript background text

    Newly Appointed District Deputy Grand Masters

    PA Masons are thrilled to welcome 11 new District Deputy Grand Masters.

  • Freemasonry Today

    Two smiling men standing outdoors in front of brick building

    Restoration Campaign

    If your lodge has lost some valuable members, now is the time to reach out and remind them of what they’re missing: socialization, educational opportunities, charitable activities and a multitude of lifelong benefits for themselves and their families.

December Communication Highlights

Dec. 4, 2024, Masonic Temple Philadelphia

Get Involved

Visit the main Pennsylvania Masons site for a current list of upcoming events.


  • Education

    AI image of masonic apron with arms holding it out

    Artificial Intelligence: Risks & Rewards

    The term “AI” describes a wide range of technologies that power many of the services and goods we use every day – from apps that recommend TV shows to AI chatbots (a computer program designed to simulate human conversation with users) that provide customer support in real time.

    AI even offers opportunities and implications for Freemasonry, particularly in terms of aligning with core Masonic values like enlightenment, knowledge and growth, said Brother Freddy Lebron, Eureka-West Shore Lodge No. 302, Mechanicsburg.


  • Membership

    group of men chopping and stacking wood

    Knocking on Wood – Brothers Aid Brothers in Need

    Masons from several lodges including King Solomon’s Lodge No. 346, Connellsville, St. John’s Lodge No. 435, Teutonia Lodge No. 367 and Reading Lodge No. 549, embarked on a service project on behalf of fellow brothers in need. They cut, split and stacked piles of wood for brothers undergoing medical treatments in order to provide enough wood for the winter months. Read more about their impact.

  • Membership

    couple standing on edge of lake with umbrella over their heads

    A Shelter in the Storm

    Homeless and displaced veterans and their children now have a place to call home, thanks to the work of several Masons from Uniontown, Pennsylvania.

    United Veterans Billeting of Fayette County (U.V.B.O.F.C.) was formed in 2016 by Ron Metros and took over two homes in Uniontown to provide short-term housing for homeless male and female veterans to help them re-enter society.

  • Membership

    Group of men holding Milford Lodge banner for parade

    The Little Lodge that Could and Did!

    Over the years, Milford Lodge No. 344, nestled in rural Pike County, Pennsylvania, has had its share of ups and downs, splinters and mergers. In 2010, facing dwindling numbers, empty chairs and little hope of revitalization, the lodge hit rock bottom. As the only Masonic lodge in the county, this could have marked the end of Freemasonry there.

    But people like Brother Mark Gualandi had other plans.

Grand Master Travels the Commonwealth


  • Philanthropy

    group of military families opening gifts

    “Showering” Military Moms with Love

    More than 50 moms-to-be who are in the military, or whose partners are in the military, were invited to a Help for Our Heroes Baby Shower event held at the Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst in New Jersey on Nov. 2, 2024. Since 2008, Pennsylvania Masons have contributed $1.6 million to support military members, veterans and their families through the Help for Our Heroes program.

  • Philanthropy

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    Brother’s Service Saves Lives

    Brother Harry Woods, 95, hosted his last blood drive on Oct. 8, 2024, at Eureka-West Shore Lodge No. 302, Mechanicsburg.

    Having served as the lodge’s Blood Chairman for over 35 years, Harry was integral in the collection of over 1,700 units of blood, which translates into saving up to 5,100 lives. In addition, the lodge donated the $10 per pint it received from the Masonic Blood + Organ Donor Program to the Children’s Dyslexia Center in Harrisburg. The lodge celebrated Harry’s service with cake and ice cream, and Harry received numerous accolades for his dedication.

  • Philanthropy

    person standing in deep flood waters with boots on

    Outreach & Almoner Support Assists Brethren with Severe Flood Damage

    In August 2024, catastrophic flooding caused by remnants of Hurricane Debby ravaged areas of Tioga County, triggering harrowing rescue efforts and extensive destruction.

    Several brethren were among those severely impacted, and some of the local lodge buildings sustained water damage, as well. As expected, members who were able immediately offered to help, either with cleanup and recovery efforts or through financial support.

  • Philanthropy

    group of smiling men with truck stacked with supplies

    Lodges Send Aid to Hurricane-Ravaged North Carolina

    When Worshipful Master Cliff Rigby received an email from R.W. Grand Master Larry Derr encouraging lodges to support relief efforts in North Carolina following Hurricane Helene, he added the request to the agenda for that evening’s stated meeting of Trojan Lodge No. 306, Troy. The lodge decided to organize a donation collection on the weekend of Oct. 19-20.

    A professional truck driver for 27 years, Cliff owns a semi-truck and immediately got to work contacting potential supporters.

  • Philanthropy

    wide shot of two beautifully painted elevator doors showcasing a rural landscape

    Murals Provide Calming Reminiscence

    Thanks to a generous donation from Concordia Lodge No. 67, Jenkintown, two elevators in a memory care area at the Masonic Village at Elizabethtown were painted to reflect a gorgeous view of the campus.

    For those living with dementia, colors are important, with green being one of the last colors to be recognized.

  • Philanthropy

    Closeup of De Molay Legion of Honor chords

    Historic DeMolay Legion of Honor Conferrals

    On Oct. 8, 1926, Pennsylvania DeMolay founder Ralph C. Minehart made history when he conferred the DeMolay International Legion of Honor to the first class of Pennsylvanians to be so honored. Oct. 20, 2024 was an equally historic day when the Civic Legion of Honor, approved by DeMolay International, was conferred for the first time upon a class of 14 deserving current or former “Mom” Advisors in Elizabethtown. This notable event was repeated on Oct. 27 when another three “Mom” Advisors were recognized in a conferral in Butler.

  • Philanthropy

    Three smiling boys standing outside together

    Scholarship Application Reminder

    The clock is ticking down on the opportunity to apply for the Pennsylvania Masonic Youth Foundation’s Educational Endowment Fund Scholarships. Applications and required attachments must be postmarked by March 15, 2025 to be considered. With as much as $200,000 available in funding for these highly competitive scholarships, all eligible students are encouraged to complete and submit an application for the scholarships.

  • Philanthropy

    large group standing around newly-planted trees

    “Dad” Williamson Memorialized

    On Oct. 19, 2024, members, advisors and friends of Pennsylvania DeMolay gathered at the Masonic Conference Center–Patton Campus in Elizabethtown to dedicate a Kwanzan Cherry Tree in memory of the founder of the Pennsylvania Masonic Youth Foundation, R.W. Past Grand Master and Past Executive Officer of Pennsylvania DeMolay Samuel C. Williamson.

Franklin Legacy Society

The Franklin Legacy Society recognizes and honors individuals who believe in and support the mission of one or more of the Masonic Charities through planned giving.


Members help ensure the good works of one or more Masonic Charities by committing to one or more of the following methods of support:

  1. Naming a Masonic Charity as a beneficiary in their will or trust
  2. Purchasing a Charitable Gift Annuity to benefit a Masonic Charity
  3. Establishing a Charitable Remainder Trust naming a Masonic Charity as a remainder beneficiary
  4. Including a Masonic Charity as a named beneficiary of an IRA, life insurance policy or the like
  5. Including a Masonic Charity as a named recipient of a bank account or brokerage account through a Transfer on Death (TOD) or Paid on Death (POD) designation


Members of the Franklin Legacy Society are recognized in the following ways:

  • Invitations to special events
  • Recognition on a special donor wall*
  • Recognition in the Annual Report for the Masonic Charities*
  • Recognition with a special gift for joining


Members help ensure the good works of one or more Masonic Charities by committing to one or more of the following methods of support:

  1. Naming a Masonic Charity as a beneficiary in their will or trust
  2. Purchasing a Charitable Gift Annuity to benefit a Masonic Charity
  3. Establishing a Charitable Remainder Trust naming a Masonic Charity as a remainder beneficiary
  4. Including a Masonic Charity as a named beneficiary of an IRA, life insurance policy or the like
  5. Including a Masonic Charity as a named recipient of a bank account


For an application, visit, email us at or call 1-800-599-6454.

*Persons who wish may remain anonymous while participating in the activities of the Franklin Legacy Society.

Brown journal with Franklin Legacy Society logo and pen next to it


New members to the Franklin Legacy Society will now receive a brand new, meaningful gift as a token of our appreciation: a leather-bound journal, embossed with the Franklin Legacy Society logo, accompanied by a wooden, engraved pen handmade by members of the Rooster Woodshop at Masonic Village at Elizabethtown – crafted from a tree on the beautiful campus!

Winter 2025 Issue of The Pennsylvania Freemason is published quarterly by the Masonic Villages, One Masonic Drive, Elizabethtown, PA 17022. Articles and photographs to be considered for publication should be sent with local Masonic authority to the address above, to the attention of The Pennsylvania Freemason or emailed to Except by special arrangement, all articles, photographs and artwork become the property of the Grand Lodge. Published by the Masonic Villages, owned and operated by the Grand Lodge of F.& A.M. of Pennsylvania, as a means of soliciting the physical and financial support of the members, their families and the public in general. Periodical postage is paid at Elizabethtown, PA, and additional mailing offices. We appreciate the many submissions we receive for consideration. We apologize, but due to space constraints, we are not able to publish every submission we receive.


(Act of Oct. 23, 1962; Section 4369; Title 39, United States Code) Summer 2024, The Pennsylvania Freemason, published quarterly by the Masonic Villages, Elizabethtown, PA 17022. Publishers: The Right Worshipful Grand Lodge of the Most Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons of Pennsylvania. Editor: Larry A. Derr. Owner: The Right Worshipful Grand Lodge of the Most Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons of Pennsylvania. Known bondholders: none. No advertising handled. Free distribution averages 82,000 each quarter. I certify that the statements made by me are correct and complete.

Larry A. Derr, Editor