Lodges Send Aid to Hurricane-Ravaged North Carolina
When Worshipful Master Cliff Rigby received an email from R.W. Grand Master Larry Derr encouraging lodges to support relief efforts in North Carolina following Hurricane Helene, he added the request to the agenda for that evening’s stated meeting of Trojan Lodge No. 306, Troy. The lodge decided to organize a donation collection on the weekend of Oct. 19-20.
A professional truck driver for 27 years, Cliff owns a semi-truck and immediately got to work contacting potential supporters. Meshoppen Transport provided use of a 53-foot trailer and five pallets of water. A local radio station, Wiggle 100, helped promote the donation collection. The results were overwhelming, as the lodge collected over 42,000 pounds in goods.
“We received everything from clothing and shoes to blankets, toiletries, first aid supplies, handknitted and crocheted hats, mittens and scarves. If it was in your home, it was on my trailer,” Cliff said. “The public outpouring was just fantastic.”
The effort, dubbed “Operation Brotherly Love,” was so popular that Cliff was interviewed by WENY TV, and the collection was promoted in three local newspapers.
“It was extremely humbling to see the outpouring of help and people who came out just to pray with us. It was amazing,” Cliff said.
“An elderly couple came out and said, ‘We wish we could do more, but we live on a fixed income.’ To see people just give from their hearts what little they had was amazing. A teenage girl handed us a decorated envelope and said, ‘I’ve been saving money from working; I wish I could do more, but this is all I have.’ She donated $100.”
Cliff said all lodges in District 16, plus Factoryville Lodge No. 341, of which he is a dual member, and Tioga Lodge No. 373 helped coordinate donations in Meshoppen and Troy, Pennsylvania. Flynn Energy and its employees brought donations, Missions Central in Mechanicsburg filled up five pallet spaces with goods and the Presbyterian Church of Troy donated a pallet of water. On their way south, Cliff and his girlfriend, Linda, stopped in Fairmont, Maryland, to collect bags of cat and dog food. Some people provided financial support to cover the fuel costs, and an additional $750 was given to Knights of Solomon Lodge No. 764 in North Carolina to help with local relief efforts Cliff and Linda drove the 750 miles to Waynesville, where they met up with members of the lodge and helped unload the donated goods into a warehouse owned by Brother Jimmy Rogers. They stayed overnight at a property owned by Brother John Dennett’s neighbor.
“Working with brethren from another lodge was very nice,” Cliff said. “They’re just small hometown guys like we are, and we had an instant connection. It was very humbling. Every part of the trip was wonderful. Every place we went, everyone was so appreciative.
“I grew up very poor, and many people gave from their hearts. Now, it’s my turn to give back. I’ve been very blessed in my driving career, and it’s the least I can do.”
But it’s not all he does. Having completed his term as Worshipful Master, Cliff has agreed to serve as the District 16 Blood + Organ Donor Program Chairman.

Pictured left: Back row, left – right: Richard Powell and Sam Williamson. Front row, left – right: Cory Powell and John Dennett

Brethren of Riverside Lodge No. 503, Wrightsville, cook and package cheesesteaks for their drive-through fundraiser.
Grove City Lodge No. 603 also collected donations for the hurricane victims in North Carolina. “We were touched by the hurricane situation and knew the Asheville lodge was completely wiped off the ground,” said Brother Richard Powell, P.M.
Brothers and members of the local community dropped off donations at the lodge hall, including propane tanks to use for heating and cooking, children’s clothing, winter clothes, toys and diapers. The Amish community in Clintonville donated $500 to help with travel expenses, and one Amish neighbor donated a pallet of water.
Brothers Richard Powell, P.M.; Cory Powell; and Sam Williamson (now Worshipful Master) loaded all the donations into Cory’s truck and drove to Asheville, arriving on Oct. 26. They toured the warehouse owned by a local brother where donations contributed by Masons from across the nation were being held for distribution. Grove City Lodge donated $500 for additional needs. The brethren returned home the following day.
“It felt great [to help],” Richard said. “It makes you really put your faith in God. God provides. We felt we were doing the Lord’s work.”
Known for his delicious cheesesteaks, Brother Keith Flaharty suggested Riverside Lodge No. 503, Wrightsville, hold a drive-through fundraiser to support North Carolina hurricane relief efforts. The brethren hosted the event at the lodge in mid-November.
Six brothers worked the grills, cooking the meat, onions, mushrooms and peppers, which were paired with sauce, chips and bottled water.
“We were pretty busy, but it worked out well,” Brother Ed Reisinger, P.M., said.
The lodge partnered with several community vendors to make the cheesesteak fundraiser a reality. Star Rock Farms donated the meat; John Gross & Company supplied the rolls, cheese and other toppings; the Pennsylvania Co-Operative Potato Growers provided the chips; and Jack Giambalvo Buick GMC donated the water. John Wright Restaurant also provided support.
The lodge sent a check for $4,000 to Mount Hermon Lodge No. 118, Asheville, North Carolina, to use as it deemed appropriate to help where it was needed most.
“It was very rewarding,” Ed said about the fundraising effort. “After the initial media reports, those folks sort of got pushed to the background in favor of the election and other news. We wanted to make sure they were not forgotten.”
The lodge actively supports local initiatives, as well.
“We’re blessed that we have a great bunch of guys who are very giving of their time,” Ed said.
The lodge hosts around seven fundraisers a year, including a pancake breakfast and a BBQ. Every Thanksgiving, they deliver 10 fully-cooked Thanksgiving meals to families in the local school district who are in need, along with a $50 gift card for each child to use for Christmas presents.