Brother’s Service Saves Lives

Brother Harry Woods, 95, hosted his last blood drive on Oct. 8, 2024, at Eureka-West Shore Lodge No. 302, Mechanicsburg. Having served as the lodge’s Blood Chairman for over 35 years, Harry was integral in the collection of over 1,700 units of blood, which translates into saving up to 5,100 lives. In addition, the lodge donated the $10 per pint it received from the Masonic Blood + Organ Donor Program to the Children’s Dyslexia Center in Harrisburg. The lodge celebrated Harry’s service with cake and ice cream, and Harry received numerous accolades for his dedication.

Harry started donating blood in his 50s and continued until he was no longer able to do so. He then shifted his focus to recruiting others to give. As Blood Chairman, he coordinated with Kacy Englebrook, Donor Resources Consultant with the Central PA Blood Bank, to schedule dates for the drives and get the word out to the lodge members and the greater community.

Over the past decade, per Kacy’s request, the lodge increased its donor drives from once or twice a year to three times a year. Harry often planned the events to coordinate with the lodge’s popular post-meeting Strawberry Nights in March, July and October. With some help from his wife of 71 years, Joyce, Harry helped to promote the drives, including the setup of a banner in front of the lodge building.

“Harry was a great help during the pandemic,” Kacy said. “People wouldn’t open their doors, so we were lucky the lodge let us come in.”

Also supportive of the blood drives is lodge Worshipful Master Robert E. McCaleb III (pictured below donating blood), a retired Marine Corps Staff Sergeant who was deployed during Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom. An aircraft mechanic who works on medivac helicopters, Rob said,

“I get to see our blood in action saving lives.”

Harry worked as a field engineer for AMP Inc. and joined the fraternity when the couple lived in Georgia in 1966. “I talked with a fella in the back yard. I knew back then you had to ask to be a Mason, and I saw he had a Masonic ring. I asked, and he said, ‘After I get to know you for a year, ask me for an application.’

“I had friends who were Masons who hinted around at me joining but didn’t outright ask me because you couldn’t back then. It’s different now.”

Harry said he enjoys his membership “very much” and works hard to encourage others to join his lodge. He is responsible for bringing 101 applicants into Harrisburg Consistory, as well. He and Joyce have made a lot of friends and are involved in numerous charitable efforts. Joyce joined the Order of the Eastern Star in 1982 and is a member of Old Bellaire Chapter No. 375, Carlisle. She, too, served in various leadership capacities for 20 years.

The Masonic Blood + Organ Donor Program assists lodges, Masonic ladies’ and youth organizations with sponsoring drives, activities and events for collecting blood donations. For more information, visit

Man smiling while donating blood, smiling technician behind him removing a glove