“Dad” Williamson Memorialized

On Oct. 19, 2024, members, advisors and friends of Pennsylvania DeMolay gathered at the Masonic Conference Center–Patton Campus in Elizabethtown to dedicate a Kwanzan Cherry Tree in memory of the founder of the Pennsylvania Masonic Youth Foundation, R.W. Past Grand Master and Past Executive Officer of Pennsylvania DeMolay Samuel C. Williamson. “Dad” Williamson passed away on July 3, 2022.

The dedication included presentations by PA DeMolay State Master Councilor Kenton Green, Deputy State Master Councilor Christopher Misko, long-time family friend and mentee of “Dad” Williamson David Labagh, PMYF Director Rick Freedman, Executive Officer Michael Larkin and R.W. Grand Master Larry Derr.

The dedication was held as a part of the annual Pennsylvania DeMolay Flag Football Tournament.

For more information on any of the Masonic youth groups (DeMolay, Knights of Pythagoras, Job’s Daughters, Rainbow Girls and Ruth Mitchell Tucker Girls Youth Department) or how you can volunteer to support them, contact the Pennsylvania Masonic Youth Foundation today at 1-800-266-8424 or pmyf@pagrandlodge.org.

Follow the foundation’s happenings on social media: