Restoration Campaign
“Re-Ignite the Light Within”
January 1 – May 31, 2025
Have you ever regretted a difficult decision? Imagine relinquishing your cherished membership in the world’s greatest fraternity and connections with some of your best friends. If your lodge has lost some valuable members, now is the time to reach out and remind them of what they’re missing: socialization, educational opportunities, charitable activities and a multitude of lifelong benefits for themselves and their families.
- Each lodge is requested to establish a Restoration Committee to work in conjunction with their Retention Committee in identifying members who have resigned or been suspended for non-payment of dues.
- Reach out to brothers who have left the fraternity prior to 2025, and invite them to return.
- To return, brethren must pass through the full restoration process to re-establish membership.
- All restored members will receive a letter welcoming them back into the fraternity.
Who Qualifies for Restoration?
Any member who was suspended or who resigned from the fraternity during past years’ dues cycle, with the lodge’s approval. Current year suspensions and resignations do not qualify.
Contact your District Deputy Grand Master for additional information.
Lodge Recognition
- Any lodge that restores ONE or more members will be recognized in The Pennsylvania Freemason and will receive a thank you gift from the Grand Master.
- The top lodges that successfully restore members will be invited to a special regional event hosted by the Grand Lodge officers and will be highlighted in The Pennsylvania Freemason.
- Lodges that continue maintaining ZERO suspensions will be recognized for their efforts in maintain positive membership in the fraternity.