Rainbow Launches New Program

The two years of isolation during the pandemic caused a lapse of mentorship, resulting in a leadership void within the Rainbow Girls assemblies in Pennsylvania. Supreme Inspector Helen Snedden and her team of adult leaders have developed a plan to address this by providing opportunities for the younger girls to get together to learn about Rainbow through games, fun activities, food and fellowship while engaging in service projects.

This program was launched at the Masonic Village in Sewickley on May 4, when a group of seven younger Rainbow Girls from assemblies in the Pittsburgh area joined their advisors and 10 Grand Officers of the Pennsylvania Grand Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, to assemble flower arrangements that would be presented to residents for Mother’s Day. This provided an excellent opportunity for caring and interested adults to mentor the young ladies in an informal atmosphere and help them to learn and grow.

More events like this will be planned throughout the jurisdiction. The expected reward for the time and talent invested by the adults will be young ladies better prepared to become leaders in their assemblies, which will translate into better leaders in their schools, homes and communities at large, one of the most basic tenets of the experiences offered by our Masonic youth groups.