Providing Transport to Those in Need

The Tyrian Chapter of the PA Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association is now offering free transportation to doctors’ and other appointments, primarily for Masonic widows, veterans, Masons in need and children in distress.

The motorcycle group is seeking donations to help keep and maintain the bus serving the Pittsburgh-area community, said Brother Thomas “Hudy” Hudepohl, Senior Warden of Bethel Lodge No. 789, Lower Burrell, and President of the Tyrian Chapter. The Widows Sons is a group of Master Masons who share a passion for both Freemasonry and motorcycle riding.

“The bus was donated to us earlier this year by a Vietnam veteran,” Thomas said. “One of our members [Brother John Hanyo] was working on his house and [the veteran] wasn’t using the van and wanted to see it go to a good cause.”

Tyrian members worked hard to retrofit the bus and ensure it’s certified, drivable and safe, including adding new parts, replacing the brakes and tires and making it wheelchair accessible. Six members are currently legally allowed to drive the vehicle, which has a wheelchair lift that was donated, as well as an automated external defibrillator (AED). One of the Tyrian members, Scott Godleski, a firefighter, plans to train others in using the device to administer first aid.

Thomas is always looking for more businesses to “sponsor” the bus, dubbed “The Traveling Tyrian” and help with expenses like gas, insurance and ongoing maintenance. All donations that exceed the operating expenses will be donated to a yearly charity of choice. Donations of $150 plus or more will earn a logo on the bus for one full year, with an opportunity to promote a lodge, business or person.

“We’ve been putting the message out there,” Thomas said. “We have a ‘Traveling Tyrian’ Facebook page that already has 400+ members. We’ve been telling the other lodges about the bus, and some have donated money. We will lend it out to our other chapters. We just want to give back to the community.”

So far, the Tyrian chapter has displayed the bus at various events, including the Grand Master’s motorcycle ride in Gettysburg in August and at the Pittsburgh Shrine Center’s weekly “Thunder Thursday” Summer Music Series.

“We want to make sure our sponsors know their logos are being seen out in the community,” Thomas said. “We presented a $6,000 check to the Autism Society of Pittsburgh for the Wicked Witches Bar & Grille Autism Ride. Some of this money was raised from our van sponsorships. A lady reached out to us before the ride who has a daughter who has autism but who loves motorcycles. We invited her daughter and her family as guests of honor to ride on the bus and follow behind the bikes on the ride. It was great.”

The chapter hosts other charitable fundraisers as well throughout the year.

Raymond “Zeke” Zekir, Secretary of the Tyrian chapter and past state President, is one of the bus drivers.

“We are in the process of gathering people who need our services,” he said. “We want to help the community and widows in the area. We try to keep it [the bus] in the Pittsburgh area because of time constraints and availability, but we will go wherever the need is.”

This is not the first time the Tyrian chapter has worked to help others in need. This past April, Brother Jay Snyder, a member of the Tyrian Widows Sons, lost everything when his Leechburg home was struck by lightning.

“The Widows’ Sons, as well as the Masons (organized by Brother Keith Chvala) came together and threw a benefit for him about a week after the event,” Zeke said. “Over 400 people attended the event, and we raised over $25,000 for him.”

The Tyrians also helped tear down Jay’s house and install a temporary mobile home in its place. They donated clothes, toiletries and money to help Jay and his family get back on their feet.

“It was a huge effort by the entire Masonic community and area lodges,” he said.
Many of the chapters have stepped up when Masonic widows need work done around their home, including mowing lawns, cleaning up hedges and tearing down trees.

“Anything we can do within our means, we’re happy to help,” Zeke said.

To assist with the Tyrian Widows Sons bus, please make checks out to PA Tyrian Widows Sons and mail to: Thomas Hudepohl, 9521 Saltsburg Road, Plum, PA 15239 or email

Group standing with donation to the Autism Society of Pittsburgh
Wide shot of Widows' Sons bus