Power 5 Leadership Weekend
The Pennsylvania Masonic Youth Foundation (PMYF) held a Power Five Leadership Weekend for nearly 80 youth and adult leaders from the five Masonic youth organizations it supports: DeMolay, Job’s Daughters, Knights of Pythagoras, Rainbow Girls and Ruth Mitchell Tucker Girls, at the Masonic Conference Center-Patton Campus.
As part of the weekend, 40 adult advisors from the five youth groups participated in an overview of the Youth Mental Health First Aid program sponsored by the National Council for Mental Wellbeing presented by Cynthia Pollich, an educator with the Penn State Extension. This Penn State University program provides an eight-hour certification training with in-person, online or hybrid classes. Over the next 18 months, the PMYF plans to make the full training available to any youth group advisors in Pennsylvania who wish to complete it.
Deborah McCoy, PMYF’s educational consultant and trainer, offered the youth an in-depth presentation on social media safety.
Other presenters for the weekend program included Meg Purdum, Masonic Villages’ Social Media Specialist, who offered pointers on social media marketing; and Thom Stecher, of Thom Stecher and Associates, founder of the PMYF LifeSkills Conference, who, assisted by his staff, offered a 90-minute interactive experience.