Grand Master’s Message


Your Grand Lodge officers and I have been busy traveling to lodges throughout the jurisdiction, participating in anniversary celebrations and parades, to promote the fraternity and to hear from members how Grand Lodge can assist with their success. The Grand Lodge float is in the process of being upgraded but is available for lodge use by contacting the Grand Secretary’s Office.

I am proud to announce that for the first year since 1971, we have not had a lodge merger or a lodge go dark. This is a direct reflection on the dedicated work
of two key committees. Blue Lodge Revitalization Committee Chairman Brother Joseph Reuter, P.M., provides lodges and districts with creative ideas for planning and promoting quality events and increasing participation. Membership Engagement Committee Chairman Brother Steven Shimp, P.M., assists lodges with membership recruitment and retention. Both brethren are excellent resources for helping your lodge thrive and enhance membership satisfaction.

I was very pleased that all R.W. Past Grand Masters were able to attend the June 2024 Communication in Erie (pictured below). At the December 2024 Communication in Philadelphia, we were honored to have R.W. Past Grand Master Ben Franklin provide inspiring remarks, and Santa
Claus made a surprise appearance! (see p. 7).

We completed about half of our Liberty Tree plantings across the Commonwealth in preparation for America’s 250th Anniversary celebration in 2026 (visit to see our progress). We look forward to planting many more this year, including at the Masonic Village at Elizabethtown during the Grand Lodge Communication on June 4.

This issue is full of examples of how our brethren care for each other in their time of need. Our hearts go out to all who suffered loss from hurricanes last year, both in our own jurisdiction and in others in the south (see stories on pp. 24-27).

If you are looking for a way to make an impact, ask your lodge how you can help with the new Restoration Initiative (see p. 6) or inquire about how you can volunteer with our Masonic youth in your area. When you Ignite the Light Within, it shines upon others, as well!

Sincerely and fraternally,

Larry A. Derr
R.W. Grand Master