Grand Master’s Message


As we reflect upon 2024 and prepare for the New Year, I am grateful for our many accomplishments.

Our Blue Lodge Revitalization and Membership Engagement committees have been doing an outstanding job rejuvenating lodges statewide by helping them become more active and financially secure. As a result of lodges following our charge to Ignite the Light Within and working hard to re-chart their journey in a positive direction, we have not had any mergers or loss of presence in our local communities. I am enthusiastic about this trend and confident our efforts will result not only in an increase in membership, but greater involvement and heightened membership satisfaction.

Leadership is a core component of any organization’s success. I am deeply appreciative of the steadfast work our District Deputy Grand Masters have committed to; it is a challenging, but integral role requiring extensive time, training and dedication. On Dec, 27, we will welcome 12 new District Deputy Grand Masters to take the reins from those who selflessly served our lodges in that capacity before them. I encourage you to show your support by attending their presentations.

We should be proud of our fraternity and our good works. I’m excited to share that we’ve brought back the Grand Lodge float, which any lodge or district can reserve for parades in their local communities by contacting Brother John Cook, P.D.D.G.M., at Jcook@ or the Grand Secretary’s office at We recently enjoyed an amazing cheering squad during the Little League World Series Parade in Williamsport. Spectators sang along with us to “Sweet Caroline” as we waved and handed out candy to the crowd (see p. 7).

The Liberty Tree initiative, in partnership with America250PA, has been a resounding success across the Commonwealth, allowing us to play an integral part in our nation’s upcoming Semiquincentennial celebration. To see where these trees have been planted so far or to sponsor a tree in your area, visit Upcoming liberty tree plantings are listed here:

Another way for lodges to involve their communities in a meaningful opportunity and showcase their good works is to host a blood drive. Not only will each donation save lives, but hosting lodges receive $10 per pint of blood from the Masonic Blood+Organ Donor Program, which can be designated for the lodge Almoner’s Fund to assist our brethren and their loved ones in need. Visit MasonicBloodandOrganDonors. org/contact to get started!

One of the most amazing aspects of this fraternity is knowing you have brothers all over the world. We are looking forward to hosting Unity Day at our Masonic Temple in Philadelphia on Jan. 25, 2025, with our brethren from Connecticut, Delaware, New Jersey, New York and Puerto Rico.

As we ponder our resolutions for 2025, I encourage you to include among yours a renewed dedication to your lodge, your brethren and your own Masonic enlightenment. May you and yours be blessed with health, happiness and a heart for charity.

Sincerely and fraternally,

Larry A. Derr
R.W. Grand Master